Sunday, February 23, 2020

Updated 3-6 Month Crochet Cowboy Booties Pattern

3-6 month size:
Sole: 4" long, 1.75" at the widest part of the toe
Leg width: 2.25" in diameter
Whole boot: 3" tall without the point

This is the pattern for the 6-9 month booties if you need a larger size.

Here is the link to my original booties.

Ch = Chain
St = Stitch
Sc = Single Crochet
Hdc = Half Double Crochet
Dc = Double Crochet
Sl St = Slip Stitch
FO = Finish Off
Hdc2tog = Half Double Crochet 2 Together
Hdc3tog = Half Double Crochet 3 Together
Dc2tog = Double Crochet 2 Together
Dc3tog = Double Crochet 3 Together
Inc = Single Crochet Increase

1 skein blue #4 medium weight yarn - B color
1 skein brown #4 weight yarn - A color
K 6.5 mm crochet hook

Sole: (Make 1 of each color, then you will slip stitch them together.)

Ch 11
Rnd 1: 2 sc in 2nd ch from hook, 1 sc in next 4 st, 1 hdc in each of next 2 st, 1 dc in each of next 2 st, 7 dc in last st. Working in back of chain, 1 dc in next 2 st, 1 hdc in next 2 st, 1 sc in next 5 st. - 26 st
Rnd 2: ch 1, 2 dc in each of next 2 st, 1 dc in each of next 9 st, 2 dc in each of next 5 st, 1 dc in each of next 9 st, 2 dc in last st. FO - 34 st

*The length of the soles will be the finished length of the bootie, so measure before going on.
*To keep from having a marking on the heel of your bootie, for the 1st st, just pull the thread through - don't actually sl st. You will just need to make sure the tail is tightly woven in so it will be secure.*
Working with B color sole on top, sl st around both soles (through both loops of color A and color B). Start in the middle stitch in the heel. Finish off (I use this method to for an invisible join.)

Boot Top and Leg: Color B
Rnd 3: *I always seem to have 35 stitches by this time. If you do too, follow these instructions for rnd 3 - SC in the 1st st, sc2tog, then 32 SC.  middle of the heel, sc around.* If you have 34 st, just SC around. - 34 st
Rnd 4: sc in next 11, hdc2tog, hdc, 3 hdc2tog, hdc, hdc2tog, sc in next 11 - 29 st
Rnd 5: 11 SC, hdc2tog, hdc3tog, hdc2tog, 11 sc - 25
Rnd 6: 9 SC, hdc2tog, hdc, hdc3tog, hdc, hdc2tog, 7 SC - 21
Rnd 7: 11 SC,  hdc2tog,  8 SC (or until you are in the middle of the heel), FO- 20
In color A: (from now on, you will begin each rnd with a sl st, ch 1 - read these instructions if you are unfamiliar with the invisible straight seam method.)
Rnds 8-11: SC around
Rnd 12: SC 4, Inc, sc 10, inc, SC 4
Rnd 13: SC 5, Inc, sc 11, Inc, SC 4
Rnd 14: SC 6, Inc, SC 11, Inc, SC 4 (or until middle of heel), sl st, fo
Rnd 15: In color B - SC 6, (hdc, dc), ch 2, (dc, hdc), SC 11, (hdc, dc), ch 2, (dc, hdc), SC 4, fo.
Weave in ends.

Stars: In color B - I embroidered the stars on using these instructions.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Crochet Parrot Wing Pattern

When I was making my hummingbird, I experimented with wings and this is one I came up with. I decided it looked like a parrot wing, so am keeping a record of the pattern here.
I made it using one strand of embroidery floss and a #12 .60 mm crochet hook.

Right Wing (looking at the back of the bird)
1: Purple: Ch 9, sl st to the top row of grey, in st between the grey and white
2: Sl st in next left st, skip 1st ch, and 7 SC, 2 SC in last ch (9)
3: Turn, ch 2 (it would be better to ch 3 or 4 for more of a point), SC across, sl st in body (10 inc. sl st)
4: blo, turn, ch 1, 8 SC, 2 SC in last st (10)
5: ch 3, turn, in both loops 9 SC, fo purple, in green - 1 SC, sl st in body
6: ch 1, turn, blo, SC 9, ch 4,
7: beginning in 2nd ch from hook, in both loops12 sc, sl st in body
8: ch 1, turn, sc

Micro Crochet Keychain Hummingbird Pattern

Here is the pattern for my keychain hummingbird. 

His wings wouldn't stay down nicely, so I got him soaking wet, then pinned them to his body while they dried.

It is easy to make, but the pattern is a bit confusing.
If I ever made it again, I would start the rounds in the grey instead of the white, so the wings would hide the seam. 
1 skein of white embroidery floss
1 skein of grey embroidery floss
1 skein of dark purple embroidery floss
1 skein of dark pink embroidery floss
1 skein of dark green embroidery floss
Black embroidery floss for details
A small amount of polyester fiberfill - or any stuffing
# 12 size .60 mm crochet hook
Tiny keychain ring

Sl st = Slip Stitch
Ch = Chain
Sc = Single Crochet
Inc = 2 Single Crochet in 1 st
Dec = Sc 2 together
Fo = Finish Off

You will use 1 strand of embroidery floss at a time to make this.
This is the technique I use to change colors. I explained it in round 2, but you will use this technique every time it says to change colors.
This is the technique I use to keep my rounds straight. At the beginning of each round, skip over the (sl st, ch 1) of previous round and (sl st, ch 1) in the 1st st of the round. The 1st stitch written will be made in the same stitch as the (sl st, ch 1) you just made. I explained it in round 2, but you will use this technique at the beginning of every row. 

In White:
1: Crochet 6 sc in a magic circle - (6)
2: (Sl st, ch 1, inc), 1 sc (instead of pulling the white thread through the last loop, pull grey thread), in grey - 1 inc, 1 SC, 1 Inc, W - 1 SC - (9)
3: In white - Inc, 2 SC. In grey - Inc, 2 SC, Inc, 1 SC. In white - 1 SC - (12)
4: In white - Inc, 3 SC. In grey - Inc, 3 SC, Inc, 2 SC. In white - 1 SC - (15)
5: In white - Inc, 4 SC. In grey - Inc, 4 SC, Inc, 3 SC. In white - 1 SC - (18)
6: In white - Inc, 5 SC. In grey - inc, 5 SC, Inc, 4 SC. In white - 1 SC - (21)
7-11: In white - 7 SC. In grey - 13 SC. In white - 1 SC - (21)
12: In white - 7 SC. In grey - 12 SC, sl st, FO (20)
13: This round starts in the last stitch of what should be the previous round. In red, sl st, ch 1, 19 SC, 1 SC (in base of grey sl st) - (21)
15: In red - SC 9, sc2tog, SC, sc2tog. In green -2 SC. In red - sc2tog, SC, sc2tog - (17)
16: In red - SC 11. In green - SC 4. In red - SC 2 - (17)
17: In red -  SC 8. In green - (sc, Inc)*2, (Inc, SC)*2. In red - 1 SC - (21)
18: In red -  SC 7. In green - (2 SC, Inc)*2, 1 SC, (Inc, 2 SC)*2 , 1 SC - (25)
19: Still in green, 3 SC. In red - 1 SC (fo red). In green - 21 sc - (25)
20: In green until the end - SC around - (25)
21: (SC, sc2tog)*6, 2 sc2tog, SC, sc2tog - (16)
22: 8 sc2tog - (8)
23: 4 sc2tog - (4)

Tail: In green
Starting on the bottom, right side of the back of the hummingbird
1: Sl st in 1st grey stitch, ch 3
2: turn, skip 1st ch, SC in next 2 ch, sl st in grey st on body
3: sl st in next grey st, ch 1, turn, sc in next 2 st
4: ch 1, turn, sc in next 2 st, sl st in grey st, fo
5: In purple, sl st, ch 3, sl st, ch 3, sl st, fo
This is the stitch you start the wing in.
Wings: In purple
You will start the wings in the stitch where the grey, white, and red meet on the neck.
1: Ch 11, sl st just under the red and between the grey and white, ch 1, sk 1st ch, 10 SC, fo
2: In green: sl st in next st in body, skip 1st purple st, 8 SC, 4 SC in last st -  (12)
3: ch 2, turn, 5 SC, sc2tog, 5 SC, sl st to body - (11 sc)
4: sl st in next st, ch 1, turn, 11 SC - (11)
5: Working across the end of the wing: 2 SC, ch 2, 2 SC, FO

Embroider eyes. 
For the feet, sl st black thread, then pull the thread through snugly. Cut to desired length.
For the beak, sl st black thread, pull through snugly, cut to desired length, then cover the beak in glue and form. Here is a video to help you understand how to make the beak.
Sew the keychain ring onto the upper back.
I ended up making extra "feathers" by leaving the thread tails for the wings, then adding more the same way you make the feet and beak. I didn't add any "feathers" to the tail - just the wings.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Terms, Techniques, Resources, and Tutorials

Here are the sites where I learned the techniques I use.

Changing colors
Straight seam in the round
Magic circle
Invisible Join - note that you will skip the 1st stitch and complete the join in the 2nd stitch.

Here is some terminology I use:
(...)* denotes how many times to repeat what is inside the parentheses
st = stitch
mc = magic circle
sc = single crochet
hdc = half double crochet
dc = double crochet
sl st = slip stitch
blo = back loop only
flo = front loop only
sc2tog = single crochet 2 together
hdc2tog = half double crochet 2 together 
dc3tog = double crochet 3 together
inc = increase (make 2 of whichever stitch you have been working with in the same stitch)
dec = decrease
fo = finish off

Monday, February 3, 2020

Micro Amigurumi Keychain Size Eeyore Crochet Pattern

This is a pattern for a keychain size Eeyore. 

With the tail "nailed" on

1 skein of pink embroidery floss
1 skein of grey embroidery floss
black embroidery floss for eyes, nose, mane, and tail
#12 0.60 mm crochet hook
Bead for tail "nail" - I used a jewelry bead.
Tiny keychain ring

Mc = Magic Circle
Sc = Single Crochet
Inc = 2 Single Crochet in 1 st
Dec = Sc 2 together
Fo = Finish Off

Tummy: Use grey thread
1: Sc 10 in mc
2: (sl st, ch 1 at the beginning of each round from now on), then 1 SC, 2 SC around. (15)
3: 1 SC, 1 SC, 2 SC around (20)
4: 1 SC in each of next 3, 2 SC in next around (25)
5: 1 SC in each of next 4, 2 SC in next around (30)
6-12: SC around (30)
13: 1 SC in next 4, sc2tog, around (25)
14-15: SC around
16: 1 SC in next 3, sc2tog around (20)
17-21: SC around
22: Dec around until closed
FO leaving a long tail.

(I didn't join each round, but it might be a good idea to because my Eeyore's nose is a little lopsided.)
Using pink embroidery thread
1: 6 sc in mc
2: Inc around (12)
3: SC 3, Inc, sc 5, Inc, SC 2 (14)
4: SC 3, Inc, SC 6, Inc, SC 3 (16)
5: (SC 3, Inc)*4 (20)
6-8: SC around
Switch to grey thread
9-12: SC around
13 : (SC, Dec)*6, SC in last 2 st (14)
14-17: SC around
18-19: Dec around (until closed)
FO leaving a long tail.

Hind Leg: Make 2 using grey thread.
Ch 4
1: Starting in 2nd ch from hook, Inc, SC, 3 SC in last st, SC, SC
2: (Inc)*2, SC, (Inc)*3, SC, Inc - (14)
3-5: SC around
6: Dec, SC 4, Dec*2, SC 4 - (11)
Begin stuffing
7- 13: SC around.
Finish stuffing
14: Dec until closed, FO leaving a long tail.

Front Leg: Make 2 using grey thread.
Ch 4
1: Starting in 2nd ch from hook, Inc, SC, 3 SC in last st, SC, SC
2: (Inc)*2, SC, (Inc)*3, SC, Inc- (14)
3-5: SC around 
6: SC 5, sc2tog, sc3tog, sc2tog, SC 2 (10)
7: SC 5, sc3tog, SC 2 (8)
Begin stuffing
8-17: SC around
Finish stuffing
18: Dec around until closed, FO leaving a long tail.

Ear: Make 2 using grey thread. Start with a long tail for sewing
1: ch 5, turn, sc in 2nd ch from hook, SC in next 3
2-4: Ch 1, turn, SC across (4)
5: ch 1, turn, SC, sc2tog, SC (3)
6: ch 1, turn, SC across (3)
7: ch 1, turn, sc3tog, fo
Sew in tail and embroider pink on the inside of the ear.

Tail: Use grey thread
1: ch 4, turn, SC in 2nd ch from hook, SC in next 2 (3)
2-6: Ch 1, turn, SC across (3)
Fo leaving tail

Bow: Use pink thread
1: ch 4, turn, SC in 2nd ch from hook, SC in next 2 (3)
2-6: Ch 1, turn, SC across (3)
Fo leaving tail
Pull leftover thread through to the middle of the bow, then wrap around until it is a bow shape. Do not cut thread. Using black thread, Make a slip knot with 2 or 3 strands of black thread. Using the pink thread, sew through the bow, the black slip knot, and the end of the tail. Sew the bow & tassel tightly onto the tail.

Sew the tail through the bead, then onto the body.
Attach all of the parts, then embroider eyes and a nose.

Mane: Cut black thread into 1" strips. Going down the middle of the back of the head, slip stitch, then pull both ends through snugly. Continue until you have the desired amount of "hair", then cut the mane to the desired length.

Coffee Mug or Teacup Cozy Crochet Pattern

This coffee cup cozy is a combination of 2 patterns I found.
The cluster stitch is taken from this bookmark pattern.
The coffee mug cozy idea is taken from this website.

About 9 inches around (stretched out) and 3 inches tall.
The flap is about 2" long
Cluster: Insert your hook into the specified stitch (or stitch space) yarn over and pull up one loop (2 loops on the hook), yarn over the hook and insert your hook into the same specified stitch (or stitch space), yarn over and pull up one loop (4 loops on the hook). Yarn over and pull through all 4 loops on the hook.

Make a chain about 9" long,
Starting in 2nd ch from hook, crochet *cluster, ch1* across at the beginning of the next row, ch 1, turn, and continue pattern.
Crochet rows until approximately 3 inches tall, then finish off.
For flap: in second color, 1/3 of the way down side, make 6 dc.
ch 2, turn, dc across - until desired length. (I made my flap about 2" long) Finish off
Add button.

Coffee Cup Thermos Sling Crochet Pattern

This sling is designed for you to be able to carry your coffee thermos and not spill it.

The dimensions are:
Band height: 2"
Band length: 8.5"
Handle length: 9"

Puff stitch = yo, insert into stitch, yo & pull through, 4x, yo, pull through all

1: CH until 8.5" long, sl st to make a circle
2: *4x puff stich, ch 1* around, sl st
3: Ch 2, *4x puff stitch, ch 1* around, sl st
4: Ch 2, 2 Dc in 1st space, 3 dc in each space around, sl st
5: Ch 2, 2 DC in the 1st space, *skip 2 st, 3 dc in next* around skip last 2 st, sl st
6-7: Sl st in next 2 st, Ch 2, *4x puff stitch, ch 1* in each space around, sl st
1: SC in 7 st, ch 2 turn
2+: DC in next 7 st, ch 2, turn (Repeat this row until the handle is the desired length. I did about 9 rows.)
Final Row: Sl St to the other side.